UPSC CSE Mains result 2021: DAF-2 form released, submit by March 24
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the Detailed Application Form-II (DAF-II) for the Civil Services Main Exam 2021.

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the Detailed Application Form-II (DAF-II) for the Civil Services Main Exam 2021. Candidates who have been declared qualified in the mains examination can visit the official UPSC website to fill up the DAF-II by March 24 till 6.00 PM. The candidates will require to log in to the DAF-II page using their Roll No and password.
UPSC announced the CSE Mains 2021 result earlier today. Shortlisted candidates will now have to appear for the Personality Test (Interview) for selection to the Indian Administrative Service, Indian Foreign Service, Indian Police Service and other Central Services (Group ‘A’ and Group ‘B’).
Personality Tests (Interviews) of shortlisted candidates will commence from April 5 which will be held in the Office of the UPSC at Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi-110069. The schedule will be made available shortly.
In the DAF-II form, the candidate shall be required to mandatorily indicate the order of preferences only for those services which are participating in the CSE-2021, for which he is interested to be allocated to, before the commencement of the Personality Test.
A candidate may also upload additional documents/certificates of higher education, achievements in different fields, service experience, etc. More details are given in the information guide below.
Here’s UPSC CSE Main 2021 DAF-II information guide.
Steps to fill the UPSC CSE Main DAF-II:
- Visit the official website
- Go to “DAF for VARIOUS EXAMINATIONS OF UPSC’ and click on DAF link
- Click on the login link, enter Roll No and Password to login
- Proceed with filling the DAF-II and submit
- Download and take a printout for future reference