RPSC Statistical Officer result 2021 declared
The RPSC Statistical Officer exam 2021 was conducted on December 18 at the Ajmer district head office.

Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) has declared the result of the Statistical Officer exam 2021. Candidates can check the result at the official website rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in.
The RPSC Statistical Officer exam 2021 was conducted on December 18 at the Ajmer district head office. The answer keys were released on March 31.
A total of 262 candidates have qualified for document verification. The shortlist for the interview round will be released only after document verification.
The Commission aims to fill up 43 SO vacancies through this recruitment.
Steps to check RPSC SO result 2021:
- Visit the official website rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in
- Click on result ink for ‘Statistical Officer Screening Exam 2021’ under Important Links
- The RPSC Statistical Officer result merit list will appear on screen
- Download and check by searching roll number.