TS ECET result 2022 declared; download rank card at ecet.tsche.ac.in
The TS ECET 2022 exam was conducted on August 1 by Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Hyderabad.

The Telangana State Council of Higher Education has declared the result of the Telangana State Engineering Common Entrance Test-2022 (TS ECET-2022). Candidates who appeared for the exam can check and download their ECET rank cards from the official website ecet.tsche.ac.in.
The TS ECET 2022 exam was conducted on August 1 by Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Hyderabad on behalf of the TSCHE. The exam is held for admission to lateral admission into 2nd-year regular B.E/B.Tech/B. Pharmacy courses in colleges in Telangana.
Steps to check TS ECET result 2022:
- Visit the official website ecet.tsche.ac.in
- On the homepage, click on “Download Rank Card”
- Key in your Ecet Hallticket Number, Registration No, date of birth and submit
- The TS ECET result rank card will appear on screen
- Download and take a printout for future reference