TS ICET round 1 seat allotment result out at tsicet.nic.in
Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE) has released the TS ICET round 1 seat allotment result.

The Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE) has released the TS ICET round 1 seat allotment result. Students can check their allotment letter at the official website tsicet.nic.in. The TS ICET 2022 counselling process is being conducted for admission into MBA and MCA courses.
Candidates have to pay the Tuition Fee mentioned in the Provisional Allotment Order online (Credit Card / Debit Card/ Net Banking) by October 21 and self-report through the online system in the candidate’s login and take the admission number to confirm the provisionally allotted seat.
The candidate has to report at the allotted college after the Final Phase of counselling and handover a set of Xerox copies of the certificates and Original Transfer Certificate (T.C).
Here’s TS ICET counselling notification 2022.
Steps to check TS ICET seat allotment result 2022:
- Visit official website tsicet.nic.in
- Go to ‘Candidates Login’ and sign in using Login ID No, TSICET Hall Ticket No, Password and Date of Birth
- The TS ICET seat allotment result will appear on screen
- Download and take a printout.
Here’s direct link to TS ICET seat allotment result 2022.
“If the candidate does not pay the prescribed Tuition Fee within the schedule mentioned, the provisional allotted seat automatically stands cancelled and he/she shall not have any claim on the provisionally allotted seat,” the notification says.