APPSC ACF answer key 2022 released
Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) has released the preliminary answer key for the Assistant Conservator Of Forests exam 2022.

Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) has released the preliminary answer key for the Assistant Conservator Of Forests exam 2022. Candidates can check and download the answer keys from the official website
The APPSC ACF exam 2022 will be held in written (CBT online) mode on November 9, 10 and 11.
The recruitment drive aims to fill up 9 vacancies for the post of ACF in A.P. Forest Service in a scale of pay of Rs 40,270 to 93,780. The selection to the post shall be on the basis of a written Exam.
The Initial key along with the Question Paper and individual response sheets is hosted on Commission’s website. Applicants can raise objections, if any, in the prescribed format against the released answer key from November 17 to 19.
“Objections would not be accepted through Post, WhatsApp, SMS, Phone, individual submission or any other mode. Objections received after due date shall not be considered,” the notice said.
Here’s APPSC ACF answer key notice.
Steps to download APPSC ACF answer key 2022
- Visit the official website
- Under Announcements, click on the link for ‘Initial keys - APPSC - Assistant Conservator of Forests in A.P. Forest Service -Notification No.04/2022’
- Click on the answer key link for the relevant post
- The APPSC ACF answer key will appear on the screen
- Download and check.