WBPSC issues WBCS 2023 short notification, application starts next week
West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC) has issued a short notification for the West Bengal Civil Service (Executive) Examination, 2023.

The West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC) has issued a short notification for the West Bengal Civil Service (Executive) Examination, 2023. Eligible candidates will be able to apply for the exam from February 28 to March 21 at the official website wbpsc.gov.in.
WBPSC will conduct the WBCS Preliminary Exam 2023 in May tentatively at various centres in Kolkata and in certain other districts in West Bengal. Based on the results of the WBCS exam, recruitment to the West Bengal Civil Service (Exe.) and certain other services and posts will be made.
Before applying for the examination, candidates are required to enroll themselves as per ‘ONE TIME REGISTRATION ’ scheme through the same website. Those who have already made enrollment through the same website need not enroll once again.
“Detailed information regarding age limit, qualifications, scale of pay, closing date for submission of online applications and fees through online and offline, Scheme and Syllabus of the examination etc. will be available in the Commission’s website,” the notice said.
Here’s WBPSC WBCS 2023 short notice.
Selection process
The W.B.C.S. (Exe.) Exam consists of two parts – (1) Written Examination and (2) Personality Test. Written Examination will be held in two successive stages, viz., (i) Preliminary Examination (Objective MCQ Type) and (ii) Main Examination (Both Objective MCQ Type and Conventional Type).
Candidates selected on the results of the Prelims will be allowed admission to the Main exam and those selected on the basis of results of the Main Exam will be called to appear at the Personality Test.