TPSC TCS prelims answer key 2023 released; here’s download link
Eligible candidates can check and download the answer key from the official website

Tripura Public Service Commission (TPSC) has released the provisional answer key of the Tripura Civil Service exam 2022. Eligible candidates can check and download the answer key from the official website
Candidates are at liberty to submit their representations on the Provisional Answer Keys, if any, in the prescribed format to the Secretary, T.P.S.C., Akhaura Road, Po.-Agartala, Pin-799001 within seven working days from the date of publication. Representations, not in the prescribed format and those received after seven working days from the date of publication of the provisional Answer Key will be summarily rejected, reads the notification.
The TPSC TCS 2022 preliminary written exam was conducted on April 2 (Sunday) in centres across Tripura.
The recruitment drive is being conducted to fill up a total of 40 vacancies, of which 30 vacancies are in Tripura Civil Service and 10 in Tripura Police Service.
Steps to download the answer key
- Visit the official website
- Go to the Answer Key link and click on “Provisional Answer keys of Preliminary Exam. for recruitment to the TCS & TPS, Grade-II (Advt. No.-05/2022)(Series-A,B,C & D)”
- The answer key will appear on the screen
- Check and download the answer key
- Take a printout for future reference
- Send suggestions, if any
Direct link to download the provisional answer key.
Selection Process
The examination will be held in three successive stages namely — Preliminary Examination, Main Examination, and Personality Test. The Preliminary Examination, Main Examination and Personality Test will carry 200 marks, 800 marks, and 100 marks respectively.
For more details, candidates are advised to visit the official website here.