RRB DMV admit cards 2023 released for recruitment to various NTPC posts; check steps to download
Shortlisted candidates can now download their admit cards on the official website rrbcdg.gov.in.

The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB), Chandigarh has released the admit cards for document verification for recruitment to various Non-Technical Popular Category (NTPC) posts based on their performance in CBT ( 1 and 2), CBAT and CBTST today, July 20. Shortlisted candidates can now download their admit cards on the official website rrbcdg.gov.in.
The document verification process is scheduled to be conducted on July 24 from 9.30 AM onwards. The link for uploading photos, signatures and other relevant documents for shortlisted candidates is also live now.
“Candidates are required to produce all original documents along with two sets of self-attested photo copies of all documents at the time of DV. The details of documents are given in e-call letter for document verification. Where certificates are not in English / Hindi, self-attested translated version (In Hindi / English) should be produced wherever/whenever required. Certificates produced during the DV should be strictly in the prescribed formats. No additional time will be given to the candidates not producing their original certificates on their date of DV and the candidature of such candidates is liable to be forfeited/ cancelled,” reads the official notification.
Here’s the RRB notification for document verification.
Steps to download RRB NTPC DMV hall ticket 2023
- Visit the official website rrbcdg.gov.in
- On the homepage, click on Link for downloading Ecall-Letter of candidates shortlisted for Document-Verification
- Login using your registration details
- E-Call letter for Document Verification will appear on screen
- Download and take a printout for future reference
Direct link to download RRB NTPC DMV admit cards 2023.
According to the official notification, “the Candidates need to attend Medical Test (Examination) after Document Verification duly paying Rs. 24/- towards medical examination fee at venue of DV. The date & place of Medical Examination will be intimated at the time of DV. Candidates are advised that they should be prepared to stay for more than 4 days for DV/Medical examination at their own cost.”
Direct link to upload Photos, Signatures and Documents.
For more details, candidates are advised to visit the official website here.