APPSC AEE results 2023 declared at; direct link to download here
Candidates who appeared for the exam can download their results on the official website

The Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) has announced the results for the Assistant Executive Engineers in various Engineering services. Candidates who appeared for the exam can download their results on the official website
The APPSC AEE exam was conducted on August 21 and 22 in two sessions. The provisional answer key was released on August 28 and objections were invited till August 31. The final answer key has been prepared taking these objections into consideration. The results have been prepared on the basis of the final answer key.
Direct link to download APPSC AEE final answer key.
The recruitment drive aims to fill up a total of 23 AEE vacancies in various departments.
“The candidates provisionally admitted for verification of Original certificates are required to produce the Original Certificates at the time of verification of documents on the same day, relating to Age, proof of age relaxation, Qualifications, Study Certificates(from IV to X class), Integrated Community Certificates, Certificate of exclusion from Creamy layer in case of B.Cs, P.H. certificate, Migration certificate etc, failing which, they will not be treated as eligible with reference to the particulars furnished by him/her in the Online Application Form / Certificates. The candidature of such candidate(s) shall be cancelled at any stage in the process of selection,” reads the result notification.
Steps to download APPSC AEE results 2023
- Visit the official website
- On the homepage, click on the AEE result notification
- Now click on ‘Result notification’ and select the PDF button
- APPSC AEE results 2023 will appear on screen
- Check your result and download a copy
- Take a printout for future reference
Direct link to download APPSC AEE results.
Selection Process
The selection to the post shall be on the basis of a written examination in Computer Based Recruitment Test mode conducted by the Commission.
For more details, candidates are advised to visit the official website here.