OSSC LTR Teacher registration date deferred; check details here
The revised schedule will be released later at ossc.gov.in.

The Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) has postponed the application commencement dates for the Leave Training Reserve (LTR) Teacher’s posts 2024 for Government Secondary Schools under the School and Mass Education Department, Odisha under Advt. No.4231/OSSC. The revised schedule will be released later at ossc.gov.in. Earlier, the registrations were scheduled to start on October 30 and conclude on November 29, 2024.
As per the notification, the Government in School and Mass Education Department has proposed changes in vacancies with TGT Arts. Earlier, the Commission had notified a total of 6025 Teacher vacancies, of which 1984 vacancies are for TGT Arts posts, 1020 for TGT Science PCM, 880 for TGT Science CBZ, 711 for Hindi Teacher, 729 for Sanskrit Teacher, 6 for Telugu Teacher, 14 for Urdu Teacher, 681 for PET.
Meanwhile, the Commission has also released the admit card for the Combined Post Graduate Level Recruitment (Preliminary) Examination for Specialist Posts/ Services-2023 at ossc.gov.in.
The CPGRE 2024 will be conducted on November 3 from 10.00 am to 12.00 noon. There shall be a negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer.
Direct link to download CPGLRE admit card 2023.
For more details, candidates are advised to visit the official website here.