NTPC Junior Executive application window closes soon; apply now at careers.ntpc.co.in
Candidates can apply for Junior Executive posts on the official website careers.ntpc.co.in.

The National Thermal Power Corporation Limited (NTPC) will close the online application window for the Junior Executives (Biomass) posts. Eligible candidates can fill out their forms on the official website careers.ntpc.co.in till October 28.
This recruitment aims to fill 50 vacancies. The tenure of recruitment will be one year which can be further extended if required and as per the performance of the candidates. The remuneration offered for the post is Rs 40,000 monthly. Additionally, company accommodation/ HRA, Medical facility for self, spouse, two children, and dependent parents will be provided.
Eligibility Criteria
Age Limit: The upper age limit for application for the post is 27 years.
Educational Qualification: Candidates should have B.Sc. in Agriculture Science from a recognized university/college/institute.
Application Fee
Candidates of General/EWS/OBC category will have to pay application fee of Rs 300. Candidates of SC/ST/Female/PwD category are exempted from paying the application fee.
Steps to apply for Junior Executive posts
Visit the official website careers.ntpc.co.in
On the homepage, click on junior executive application link
Fill the details and pay the application, if require
Save the application
Take a print out for future reference
Direct link to the Junior Executive posts.
For more details, candidates are advised to visit the official website here.