OSSC result 2023 declared for JEO, JA posts; Mains in April
Candidates can download their results from the official website ossc.gov.in.

The Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) has announced the results of the Junior Enforcement Officer and Junior Accountant 2023 (JEO and JA 2023) recruitment exam under Advt. No. 5130/OSSC dated 29.12.2023. Eligible candidates can download their results from the official website ossc.gov.in.
A total of 191 candidates have been declared qualified for the Main exam likely to be conducted in April 2025. The recruitment drive aims to fill up a total of 31 vacancies, of which 30 vacancies are for the post of Junior Enforcement Officer and 1 vacancy is for the Junior Accountant post.
Steps to download JEO/ JA result 2023
Visit the official website ossc.gov.in
On the homepage, click on the JEO/ JA 2023 result link
The result will appear on the screen
Check and download the result
Take a printout for future reference
Selection Process
The applicants will be shortlisted on the basis of the Preliminary exam, Main exam, and Certificate Verification.
For more details, candidates are advised to visit the official website here.