Patna High Court, Bihar has declared the results of the Translator and Translator-cum-Proof Reader (For SUVAS Cell) Recruitment Examination, 2024. Eligible candidates can download their results from the official website

A total of 166 applicants have been shortlisted for the computer proficiency test. The written exam was conducted on September 8, 2024. The recruitment drive aims to fill up a total of 80 posts, of which 60 vacancies are for the post of Translator and 20 for Translator-cum-Proof Reader.

“The date and schedule of Computer Proficiency Test of these candidates will be announced shortly on the official website of the Court. The Admit Card for appearing at the Computer Proficiency Test will be made available in due course, which may be downloaded from the official website of the High Court i.e. Admit Card would not be sent to the candidates separately through any other mode,” reads the notification.

Steps to download Translator result 2024

  1. Visit the official website

  2. On the homepage, go to the Recruitment tab

  3. Click on the Translator, Translator-cum-Proof Reader result 2024 link

  4. The result will appear on the screen

  5. Check and download the result

  6. Take a printout for future reference

Direct link to Translator result 2024.

For more details, candidates are advised to visit the official website here.