CBSE may release UGC NET results 2018 sooner than expected: report
The CBSE could declare the UGC NET 2018 results as early as July 31st, or at the latest by August 4th, according to a ToI report.

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) might be on the verge of creating a record of sorts, and this in the last year that the CBSE is conducting the University Grants Commission’ National Eligibility Test (UGC NET) exam. According to the Times of India, the UGC NET 2018 results could be declared at the latest by August 4th, but they might come out even before that: on July 31st, less than a month after the exam.
Apparently, a CBSE source has said to the Times of India, “The Board is working towards releasing the results by end of this month, and most likely on July 31, 2018 if it all goes as planned. However, it is confirmed that the results will be out latest by August 4th.”
However, the ToI report does not name the source, and it should be taken with a pinch of salt, at least until there is confirmation from official sources, such as the CBSE. It must be borne in mind that the CBSE hasn’t officially released an exact, or even a tentative, date for the release of the UGC NET results 2018.
In the past, it has taken around three to four months, on average, for the UGC NET results to be declared, from the exam date. From next year, the responsibility of conducting the UGC NET exams will be taken over by the National Testing Agency (NTA).
UGC NET 2018 examination was conducted on July 8th, admit cards for which were released on June 21st. A total of around 11.5 lakh candidates had appeared for the CBSE’s NET exam this year. The examination was held in more than 2,000 centres across the country and candidates gave the exam on 84 different subjects.