UPSC CAPF 2018 admit card released for AC exam, download CAPF admit card now from
The UPSC has released admit cards for its 2018 exam to recruit Assistant Commandants through CAPF. The examination is scheduled for August 12th.

Admit cards for the UPSC’s CAPF (Central Armed Police Forces) exam for the posts of Assistant Commandants (AC) has been released on the official UPSC website, The CAPF (ACs) examination is scheduled for Sunday, August 12th, and the UPSC CAPF exam will be conducted all over India.
How to download UPSC CAPF (ACs) admit card
- Visit the official UPSC website.
- In the What’s New section, look for and click on the link for the CAPF (AC) exam 2018.
- Follow the links to download your UPSC CAPF admit card.
- Alternatively, click on this direct link.
- Log in using either your roll number or registration ID.
- Cross-check the details on the UPSC CAPF admit card and save it for future reference.
Candidates will have to produce their CAPF e-Admit Card at the allotted examination venue. They are also advised to carry two identical photographs in case the photograph on the CAPF (AC) admit card is not clear or blurred, along with proof of identity.
The CAPF (ACs) notification was announced in the last week of April and candidates had time up to May 21st to submit their applications. The examination will be held in two sessions: morning and afternoon sessions.
Paper I, on General Ability and Intelligence, is for 250 marks and will be of the objective type, whereas Paper II, on General Studies, Essay and Comprehension, is for 200 marks and has an essay writing section. Candidates have been mandated to use ball pen only for both the papers.