UPSC IFS Main time-table 2018 released, IFS Main exam to begin from December 2nd
The UPSC has released the schedule for the IFS Main exam 2018. The UPSC IFS Main exam is scheduled to begin on December 2nd and run up to December 10th.

The Union Public Service Commission has released the schedule for the Indian Forest Service 2018 Main examination. Candidates who have cleared the IFS Preliminary examination are eligible to appear for the UPSC IFS Main exam and can check the UPSC’s official website for the exam time-table. The IFS 2018 Main exam is scheduled for December 2nd to 10th, and will be held in two sessions every day.
Here is the detailed UPSC IFS 2018 Mains exam schedule
2018 IFS Mains exam time-table
Date | Forenoon Session (9 am to 12 noon) | Afternoon Session (2 pm to 5 pm) |
December 2nd, 2018 | General English | General Knowledge |
December 4th, 2018 | Botany Paper- I Mathematics Paper-I Statistics Paper-I | Botany Paper- II Mathematics Paper-II Statistics Paper-II |
December 5th, 2018 | Physics Paper- I Zoology Paper -I | Physics Paper- II Zoology Paper -II |
December 6th, 2018 | Chemistry Paper-I | Chemistry Paper-II |
December 7th, 2018 | Agriculture Paper- I Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science Paper- I | Agriculture Paper- II Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science Paper- II |
December 8th, 2018 | Geology Paper-I | Geology Paper-II |
December 9th, 2018 | Forestry Paper-I | Forestry Paper-II |
December 10th, 2018 | Agricultural Engineering/ Civil Engineering/ Chemical Engineering / Mechanical Engineering Paper -I | Agricultural Engineering/ Civil Engineering/ Chemical Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering -Paper II |
General English and General Knowledge are the compulsory subjects for the IFS Main examination. Candidates have to choose between two optional subjects and appear for both Paper-I and Paper-II for those subjects. The paper for General English and General Knowledge are for 300 marks each and of 3 hours’ duration. The optional subjects are 200 marks for each paper and of 3 hours’ duration.
The UPSC released the results of the IFS 2018 Prelim examination on July 15th. Successful candidates were to fill the DAF form in order to participate in the 2018 IFS Main exam. Candidates who have filled the form are eligible to appear for the IFS Main examination. The admit card for the Mains exam is expected to be released three weeks before the examination.