RPSC exam time-table released; RAS/RTS Mains scheduled for Dec 23rd and 24th
The other exam schedules are for various Teacher and Lecturer exams, State Engineering Services Prelim exam, and ACF and Range Officer exam for Forest Dept.

The Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) has released a detailed time-table for upcoming examinations. The most prominent is the Main exam for Rajasthan Administrative Services (RAS) and Rajasthan Taxation Service (RTS) 2018, which is scheduled to be conducted on December 23rd and 24th. The preliminary examination for the RAS/RTS 2018 was conducted in August this year.
Apart from the RAS/RTS 2018 exam schedule, the RPSC notification also intimated the Preliminary exam dates for Rajasthan Engineering Services 2018, various examinations for the positions of teachers and lecturers, and ACF and Range Officer Group 1 exam for the Forest Department. The detailed 2018 RPSC scheduled is mentioned in the following table.
RPSC Exam Time-Table
Name of the Examination | Date(s) |
Senior Teacher Gr.- II Exam-2018 (Sec. Edu. Deptt.) (TSP & Non-TSP) | October 28th, 2018 to November 3rd, 2018 |
State Engg. Services Comp. (Pre.) Exam 2018 | December 16th, 2018 |
RAS & RTS Comb. Comp. (Main) Exam 2018 | December 23rd and December 24th, 2018 |
Lecturer-School Exam-2018 (Sec. Edu. Deptt.) | January 13th, 2019 to January 24th, 2019 |
Senior Teacher Gr II Exam-2018 (Sanskrit Edu. Deptt.) (TSP & Non-TSP) | February 17th, 2019 to February 20th, 2019 |
Lecturer-School Exam-2018 (Sanskrit Edu. Deptt.) | April-May 2019 |
ACF & Range Officer Gr.- I Exam, 2018 (Forest Deptt.) | May-June 2019 |
The notification also mentions that there is no change in the schedule for Police Sub-Inspector examination schedule and it will be conducted on October 7th, 2018.
RPSC had previously released the answer keys to preliminary exam for RAS/RTS 2018 examination on August 9th. The examination was held on August 5th. Approximately, 5 lakh candidates had applied for the examination and around 3.76 lakh candidates had appeared for it.