CBSE confirms Class 12th practical exam dates
CBSE Class 12th Board Examination ‘practicals’ will be held from January 16, 2019 to February 15, 2019 except in the city of Allahabad/Prayagraj.

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) in their latest notification has said that the Class 12 practical examinations will be held in January and February which is traditionally the case. However there is a notable change for schools in city of Allahabad now Prayagraj. For 2019 CBSE Board examination, the practicals will be held from January 16, 2019 to February 15, 2019.
But CBSE Class 12 practical examinations in Allahabad have been re-scheduled to start from January 1, 2019, owing to Kumbh Mela celebrations. The Board had earlier released the list of probable subjects which are scheduled to be held on February and March 2019.
As examination in skill based subjects and few other academic subjects which are being opted by small number of students will commence from later half of February 2019, practical examination in all such subjects should be completed within first half of February, 2019, the notification states.
The Board has also given guidelines on how the practical examinations should be conducted. The practicals should invariably be held in two sessions in a day if the number of candidates is more than 20.
In another notification released by CBSE, the board has clarified that assessment of project work and ASL for Hindi Elective and Hindi Core will be done internally by schools. The Assessment for Speaking and Listening (ASL) and project work each carry 10 marks in the subjects Hindi Elective and Hindi Core.
Earlier both ASL and project work assessment were expected to be executed by an external examiner which is not the case anymore. Lastly, the Board has not released the date sheet for the theory papers which are expected to begin in March next year.