JKBOSE Leh, Kargil Division 11th class result declared at jkbose.ac.in
Earlier, JK BOSE had declared the Jammu and Kashmir 11th class result.

Jammu Kashmir Board of Secondary Education (JKBOSE) has released the result of 2018 11th class for the Leh and Kargil Division on February 21st, 2019. Students who had appeared for the exam can check the result at jkbose.ac.in.
The Board had conducted the exam in the months of October and November 2018 and now the results have been declared. The 11th class result for the Jammu and Kashmir division were declared on February 14th, 2019 and now the remaining two divisions’ results are out.
How to check JKBOSE 2018 11th class result:
- Visit the new official website of JKBOSE.
- The home page itself now has links to access the 11th class result for Leh and Kargil.
- Click on the link for Leh and Kargil (Direct Link), whichever relevant, to access the 11th class result.
- Enter the Roll Number and click on ‘View Result’.
- The result will be displayed.