UPSSSC Council House Guard, Forest Guard 2016 exam result declared
The Council House Guard and Forest Guard results can be accessed at the UPSSSC website,

Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Board (UPSSSC) has declared the result for the recruitment of Council House Guard and Forest Guard 2016 written exam on Sunday, March 3rd, 2019. All the candidates who had appeared for the examination can check the UPSSSC’s official website,, to access the result.
UPSSSC had conducted the written exam on December 2nd, 2018 and the answer keys for the exam was released on December 10th. After taking into account the objections received, the evaluation was done by the Council and the results have been released.
How to check UPSSSC Council Guard and Forest Guard result:
- Visit the UPSSSC website.
- Click on the link on the home page to access the Council and Forest Guard result.
- A new page will open which will have a link to access the result. Click on the link.
- Enter the necessary details and submit.
- The result will be displayed which can be printed out for future reference.