West Bengal Legal Service exam: Exam dates confirmed, admit card release tomorrow
WBPSC has published a notification confirming the exam dates and admit card release date for Legal Service examination. Admit card available from tomorrow.

West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC) has released a notification announcing the exam dates and admit card release date for Legal Service Exam 2018. The notification is available online at WBPSC site - pscwbapplication in and pscwbonline.gov.in. The examination has been confirmed to be held on March 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th and on 29th, 2019. The admit card is expected to be released tomorrow that on March 15th, 2019.
“It is notified that the above mentioned examination will be held at different venues in Kolkata on the 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th March, 2019 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. (Forenoon Session) & 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Afternoon Session) & on the 29th March, 2019 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, Forenoon Session only”, read the announcement released by WBPSC.
The Commission had published the detailed advertisement regarding the WBJS 2018 exam earlier this month and the online application process began from March 4th itself. Interested individuals still have time to apply for the examination till March 19th and pay the fees online up to midnight 12 o’clock. Candidates who prefer to pay fees via Challan can do so till March 20th, however the challan must be generated online by March 19th itself.
The WBJS Examination will be held in three successive stages, viz., (i) Preliminary Examination (MCQ Type), (ii) Final Examination (Conventional Type – Written) and (iii) Personality Test. A number of candidates to be selected on the results of the Preliminary Examination will be allowed admission to the Final Examination and a number of candidates to be selected on the results of the Final Examination will be called to appear at the Personality Test.
While the dates for the preliminary exams have been confirmed now, the tentative dates for the Final written Examination to be held at Kolkata is June, 2019 or thereabout. Personality test will be held thereafter in the office of the Public Service Commission, West Bengal.
The preliminary exam, dates for which have been declared for March end, will consist of one paper of Objective Type containing 200 Multiple Choice Questions. The paper will carry 200 marks and will be of 21 /2 hours’ duration. Candidates who have submitted their applications are advised to visit the website tomorrow and download their admit cards by using their log-in credentials generated earlier.