Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Ltd (UPPCL) from today will start accepting online applications for the Technician (Lineman) recruitment drive for 4,102 vacancies. UPPCL had previously notified about the vacancies and application submission begins today at official website - upenergy.in. Eligible candidates have time up to April 30th to apply for the recruitment.

While the last date to submit application is April 30th, exam fee can be paid from April 2nd to May 1st, 2019. Candidates have to be of 18 years of age but below 40 years in order to be eligible for the posts. In terms of educational qualifications, individuals must have completed high school examination from science stream along with NCVT or SCVT certification in any of the trades – Wireman, Electrician, Lineman and Electrical.

How to apply for UPPCL Technician recruitment 2019

  1. Visit the official website- upenergy.in.
  2. On the homepage, click on recruitment/vacancy tab available at top corner of the site
  3. Click on ‘apply now’ next to ‘technician vacancy.’
  4. Click on ‘new registration’ and register using personal details
  5. Then use registered id to log-in and fill form, upload documents
  6. Lastly make payment and submit the application. Also save the application for future.

The exam itself has been tentatively scheduled for second week of May 2019. The examination will consist of an online recruitment exam in CBT mode and admit card for the exam will be uploaded on the UPPCL for candidates to download. The official notification further states that answer keys for the CBT will be released with two days after the exam. Candidates then will have three days after the answer key publication to raise objections via response sheet on the official website.