RRB JE recruitment: Exam date announcement fake, report
RRBs have not officially announced any examination date for first stage computer based test for Junior Engineer recruitment.

Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has not announced any dates for Junior Engineer (JE) recruitment first phase computer based test. All the reports that have been making rounds on the internet lately are fake. NDTV in their report has confirmed the same as well. ‘Any notification or update regarding the RRB JE exam date is fake’, report says.
“The fake notice doing the rounds mentions May 27 as the starting date for RRB JE 1st stage CBT”, the report added. The fake notice also declared the date for mock test link activation on RRB sites i.e. May 12, 2019. However, RRB regional sites have not released any notice or announcement regarding RRB JE as of now. Hence, candidates are advised to not believe any such fake news and trust notifications available on RRB sites only.
While RRB has not released dates for JE test, it is expected to do so in near future considering the JE CBT is expected to be conducted in April/May 2019, as per official notification. It must be recalled that the board had released the notification in December 2018 and conducted the application drive in the month of January 2019 for 13,487 vacancies. Further, as reported, it had also activated the link for candidates to check the application status for the recruitment.
RRB JE 2018 recruitment process involves two stages of CBT. Successful candidates from the first stage CBT will be called for second stage and those who qualify in the second stage CBT will then be called for Document Verification (DV) process. Finally, selected candidates would be recruited by Indian Railways in the given vacancies.