Another premium Chinese smartphone will be launched today in India, it is Vivo Z1 Pro. Notably, the phone is being touted as the official smartphone for PUBG Mobile Club Open 2019. As per the official teasers released by Vivo so far, the upcoming smartphone will come with a Snapdragon 712 SoC, 32-megapixel “in-display”, basically a hole-punch, selfie camera, and a 5,000mAh battery.

Overall this a premium offering from the BBK Electronics subsidiary Vivo. The launch event will start today on July 3rd at 12 pm and interested individuals can stream the event live from the official link provided by the company. For the online retail of the upcoming handset, Vivo has partnered with Flipkart India. After the launch, the phone is expected to be available soon, most likely within a week or so, online.

As for the pricing, based on the features on board the Vivo Z1 Pro is expected to be priced under 20k in India. Further, the smartphone will offer a 32-megapixel selfie camera and a triple rear camera setup with 8-megapixel, 16-megapixel, and 2-megapixel sensors.

Separately, a report by NDTV Gadgets says that the phone is a new variant of the Vivo Z5x that was launched in China with a starting price of CNY 1,398 (roughly Rs. 14,400) for the base 4GB RAM + 64GB storage variant.
