Assam SEBA 10th compartment exam 2019 result declared
Assam SEBA class 10th compartment exam result 2019 released online

The Secondary Education Board of Assam has declared the High School Leaving Certificate (HSLC) 2019 compartment exam result today on its results website, Candidates who appeared for the compartment exam for Assam HSLC 2019 can now directly visit the results site and check the scores using the exam roll number. Alternatively, candidates can visit the official SEBA website -
Previously, SEBA had declared the regular results for HSLC 2019 exam where students had scored a pass percentage of 60.25%. This is more than 5 percentage points of improvement compared to 2018 when the pass percentage was 54.96%. For a change, the pass percentage of boys was better than girls. Boys scored a pass percentage of 59% and girls 53.32%.
Here is the direct link to check SEBA Class 10th compartment exam results 2019
The compartment exam was held for the candidates who had failed a maximum of two or fewer subjects. The regular result for HSLC 2019 was declared in May on 15th.
In the annual exam, a total of 3,42,691 students appeared of which 48,599 scored the first division distinction star while 5522 have secured distinction and 16,848 have got distinction star. As many as 71,020 candidates got second division while 82,889 received third division.