NYKS 2019 Recruitment: Admit card and exam schedule released; check at nyks.nic.in
NYKS will be conducting recruitment exam for various positions from September 6th to September 9th and admit card for the same has been issued.

Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS) has released the admit card for the recruitment exam along with the exam schedule on August 29th, 2019. Candidates who have applied to participate in the exam, notification for which was released on May 31st, can check the schedule and download the admit card from the official website, nyks.nic.in.
The exam will be conducted for various positions which includes Assistant Director/District Youth Coordinator, Lower Division Clerk, MTS, Computer Operator, Accounts clerk cum typist, Stenographer, Jr. Computer Programmer, Assistant, Librarian, and Sr Hindi Translator
Candidates can access and download the NYKS 2019 recruitment admit card at this direct link.
The exam is scheduled to be conducted from September 6th to September 9th. The detailed schedule can be accessed in this link. The candidates are suggest to go through schedule and admit card properly to get acquainted with the date, timing, and venue of the exam and other details.
How to download NYKS 2019 Recruitment admit card:
- Visit the NYKS official website,
- Under the ‘What’s New’ section, links for downloading admit card is available. Click on the link.
- A new page will open which will have the exam schedule and a link to download the admit card.
- After clicking on the link a new page will open where candidates need to feed in the log-in information and submit.
- The admit card is available and can be downloaded and printed out.