TNTET 2019 Certificate of Marks released at
All the candidates who have cleared the TNTET 2019 examination can download their certificates from the official website.

Tamil Nadu Teacher Recruitment Board (TNTRB) has released the certificate of marks for the TNTET 2019 examination today, October 31st, 2019. All the candidates who have cleared the TNTET 2019 examination can download the certificate from the official website,
The notice issued along with the release of the certificate states “1,62,314 Candidates appeared for the written Examination, Tamil Nadu Teachers Eligibility Test – Paper-I and 3,79,733 candidates appeared for the written exam for Paper-II. Now, the Certificate of Marks are published in Teachers Recruitment Board website for those candidates passed in Teachers Eligibility Test Paper I & Paper II.”
Here is the direct link to download the TNTET 2019 certificate from.
The TNTRB had conducted the TNTET 2019 examination on June 8th for Paper I and June 9th for Paper II and the tentative answer keys were published on July 9th, 2019. The result for the Paper I exam was released on August 21st and for the Paper II on the next day. The scores were released later in the same month.
TNTRB conducts TNTET examination to certify the eligibility of candidates to teach at schools affiliated to Tamil Nadu board of education. Paper-I determines the eligibility to teach from Class I to Class V, whereas Paper-II is from Class VI to Class VIII.
How to download 2019 TNTET Certificates:
- Visit the TNTRB official website.
- Click on the link to download the TNTET certificate on the home page.
- The page for the TNTET will open where links to download the certificate is placed. Click on it.
- Login with your credentials to download the certificate.