UPSC 2019 Engineering Services Main Exam: Marks of recommended candidates released
The UPSC had released the final result for the 2019 Engineering Services on October 26th.

Union Public Service Commission has released the marks of all the candidates who have made it ot the final selection for the 2019 Engineering Services. The UPSC had declared the final result for the 2019 Engineering Services examination on October 25th. Candidates can check the marks at UPSC’s official website,
A total number of 494 candidates have made it to the final selection for 2019 Engineering Services, although the recruitment drive was conducted to fill 553 vacancies. Sixty-six candidates have been provisionally selection.
Abuzar Gaffari secured the highest marks securing 842 marks followed by Pramit Debmallik with 798 points. The third place was grabbed by Amarjeet with 787 points.
Here is the direct link to access the marks of all the recommended candidates.
UPSC had conducted the 2020 Engineering Services recruitment drive for approximately 495 vacancies for Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering along with 32 vacancies reserved for PwBD candidates for various central government departments.