SSC 2018 GD Constable PET/PST admit card and schedule released
SSC will conduct the GD Constable PET/PST round of recruitment from January 9th to February 13th, 2020.

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has issued a notice informing about the PET/PST round schedule for the 2018 GD Constable recruitment. Apart from that, the admit card for the same has also been released at CRPF official website, for candidates to download.
According to the notice issued by the SSC, the Physical Education Test and Physical Standard Test (PET/PST) round for the GD Constable in CAPF, NIA, SSF, and Rifleman (GD) in Assam Rifles examination will be conducted from January 9th to February 13th, 2020.
The admit card for the same has also been issued which will have full details regarding the venue, time and date of the PET/PST for the particular candidate.
Here is the direct link to download the 2018 GD Constable PET/PST admit card.
Candidates who have cleared the written exam round of the recruitment for GD Constable are eligible to appear for the PET/PST round of the examination. A total number of 150,548 candidates have been shortlisted to appear for this round. The notification for the same can be accessed in this link.
The notification for the SSC GD Constable recruitment drive was released in July 2018 and the application process stared in the month of August 2018. The initial total number of vacancy was 54,953, which was later revised to 58,373 of which 50,666 are for males and 8,307 are for females. The latest revision stated the SSC GD Constable recruitment will be done for 60,210 vacancies.
Steps to download the GD Constable PET/PST admit card:
- Visit the CRPF official website.
- Click on the ‘View All’ link under the ‘Recruitment’ box on the home page.
- Click on the link against ‘E-Admit card of CT/GD Exam 2018 for DME’.
- Click on the candidate login link and enter the log-in details on the new page.
- The admit card can be accessed and must be downloaded and printed out to carry to the DME.