Karnataka 2020 PUC 1st result to be declared after April 14th
Earlier, a circular had been released which mentioned that the result will be declared on March 27th.

Karnataka 1st PUC result will be declared after April 14th, once the lockdown due to the COVID-19 has been lifted. In an earlier circular, the examination department had mentioned that the result will be declared on March 27th; however, now it would not be possible for the department to do so.
The Times of India reports that Kangavalli M, Director of the Department, informed that the evaluation process has been completed but due to the lockdown situation the tabulation process is yet to be completed.
The process involves principals, non-teaching staff and lecturers to be present which is not possible because of the complete lockdown situation throughout the country.
The evaluation and tabulation process is only possible to be conducted after April 14th and new date of the result will be announced after the process is complete.
The students can check the result at the official website once it is released at karresults.nic.in.
Over 3 million people across the world have been told to stay home to mitigate the spread of the Coronavirus infection in the pandemic. India began its 21-day lockdown on yesterday when its number of cases rose to 606. Of these, 553 are active cases, 42 patients have recovered, 10 have died and one has left the country.