UPSC, SSC 2020 exam: Commissions to meet next week to decide on exam dates
All the competitive exams conducted by UPSC and SSC have been put on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown.

Commissions responsible for Central Government recruitments are expected to announce the future course of action and exam dates next week. Both UPSC and SSC are scheduled to meet next week to assess the COVID-19 lockdown situation to draw the future course of action.
All the competitive exams conducted by SSC and UPSC have been put on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown implemented throughout the country. The Commissions had met after May 17 and had postponed the announcement of the exam dates until the situation becomes more stable.
UPSC is scheduled to meet on June 5, whereas SSC will be meeting on June 1. The overall situation of COVID-19 prevalent across the country will be taken into account while deciding on the future course of action as candidates from across the country participate in the exams.
All the updates regarding UPSC will be available at its official website, SSC will release its updates on its official website,
UPSC has postponed the coveted 2020 Civil Services preliminary exam due to the pandemic apart from other exams. The exam was scheduled for May 31; however, due to the COVID-19 pandemic it was postponed.
According to a previous notification from SSC, the list of postponed exams includes CHSL Tier I 2019 for remaining candidates, Junior Engineer Paper I exam 2019, Stenographer Grade C and D 2019, Skill Test for CGL 2018 exam, 2020 Phase VIII Selection Post.