IGNOU June TEE hall tickets released at ignou.ac.in; check for direct link
IGNOU will be conducting the June TEE exam from September 17 to October 16.

Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) has released the June 2020 Term-End Exam (TEE) hall ticket or admit card. All the students who are scheduled to appear for the exam can download the hall tickets, once released, from the official website, ignou.ac.in.
IGNOU had released the June TEE exams timetable on September 3. The exam is scheduled to be conducted from September 17 to October 16 for all the PG, UG, PG Diploma, and Certificate courses.
Here is the direct link to download the IGNOU TEE hall ticket.
The June 2020 TEE exam had to be postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The TEE exam is generally conducted in the months of June and December.
The exam will be held in two sessions every day. All COVID-19 precautions have to be followed by the students. Any student who is not able to appear for the June TEE exam due to the COVID-19 related reasons will be accommodated in the December TEE exam.
How to download IGNOU TEE hall tickets
- Visit the IGNOU official website.
- Click on the link to download the hall ticket/admit card for the June TEE exam.
- Enter the roll number and select the course and submit.
- The admit card can be accessed which needs to be printed out.