CSIR-UGC NET June 2020 exam dates released; to be conducted in November
CSIR NET June 2020 exams had to be postponed due to the COVID_19 pandemic and now will be conducted in November 2020.

National Testing Agency (NTA) has finally released the exam schedule for the CSIR-UGC NET June 2020 examination today. The CSIR NET exam will be conducted on November 19, November 21, and November 26.
NTA said in its notification, “The downloading of Admit Cards indicating Roll Number, Centre, Date, Shift and Timing of Examination will commence shortly before the date of examination on the official website of the said examination.”
The CSIR-UGC NET exam was scheduled to be conducted in June but had to be postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the resultant lockdown. The candidates were eagerly waiting for the dates as dates for other postponed exams had already been released.
CSIR-UGC NET exam is conducted for determining the eligibility for the candidate to be appointed as a lecturer in the fields of Chemical Sciences, Earth, Atmospheric, Ocean and Planetary Sciences, Life Sciences, Mathematical Sciences, Physical Sciences
Candidates should keep checking the official websites, nta.ac.in or csirnet.nta.nic.in for latest updates regarding the exam schedule, admit card, and other pertinent updates.