PNB SO 2020 recruitment: Admit Card released at
PNB will conduct the online exam for specialist officer recruitment on November 22. 2020.

Punjab National Bank (PNB) has released the admit card for the Specialist Officer (SO) 2020 recruitment examination today, November 12. All the candidates who have applied to appear for the exam can download the call letter from the official website,
The exam is scheduled to be conducted on November 22. Along with the admit card, the bank also has released an information handout for all the candidates which can be accessed in this direct link.
Here is the direct link to access the PNB SO 2020 call letter.
All candidates should go through the admit card for exam time and venue details along with the COVID-19 precautions that one must take. The exam is being conducted for 535 SO vacancies.
How to download PNB SO 2020 admit card:
- Visit the PNB official website.
- Click on the ‘Recruitment’ tab on the right panel.
- Click on the link to download the admit card.
- Enter the log-in details and submit.
- The admit card can be accessed which needs to be printed out.