CSAB registration for special round begins; apply now at csab.nic.in
A total number of 7,430 seats remain vacant after six rounds of JoSAA seat allotment rounds.

Central Seat Allocation Board (CSAB) has started the registration process for the Special round of allotment for various engineering seats affiliated to central government. A total number of 7,430 seats remain vacant after six rounds of JoSAA allotment this year.
The registration process started at around 10.00 am today and will go on until November 19 on the official website, csab.nic.in. The seat allotment result will be displayed on November 20 and online reporting can be done until November 23. The second round of allotment will be done on November 25 and reporting must be done before November 30.
Here is the direct link to access CSAB Special Round notification.
The special round will be conducted only for NITs, IIITs and other GFTIs (Except IITs) after completion of all the JoSAA Rounds. This will be open to all the candidates who have appeared for the JEE Main exam and have accepted and paid the Partial Admission Fee against the JoSAA-2020 allotted seat or whose admissions was withdrawn or cancelled can participate and need to pay a registration fee of Rs. 2000.
Here is the document detailing the vacant seats.
All interested candidates should go through the notification carefully and must go through the registration process to participate in the CSAB special round. The details and schedule of the special round can be accessed on the official notification.