CSBC Bihar Home Guard Sepoy written exam date released; check here for details
The written exam for the recruitment of 551 Sepoy vacancies for Bihar Home Guard will be conducted on January 24, 2021.

Central Selection Board of Constable Bihar (CSBC) has released the exam dates for the 2020 recruitment of Sepoys for Bihar Home Guard. The exam is scheduled to be conducted on January 24, 2021.
The notification for the exam date was released on the official website, csbc.bih.nic.in, and the admit card for the same will also be released on the official website. The recruitment drive is being conducted to fill 551 vacancies. The details of exam paper and pattern will also be released soon.
Here is the direct link to access the exam date notification.
The application process for the recruitment was conducted from July 2 to to August 3, 2020. The syllabus for the exam can be accessed on this direct link.
Candidates are suggested to keep checking the official websites for latest updates regarding the exam and issuance of admission card. The admit card is expected to be released in the first half of January 2021.