UPSC Geo-Scientist 2020 exam DAF released, fill up form by Dec 24
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the Detailed Application Form (DAF) for the Combined Geo-Scientist Exam 2020.

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the Detailed Application Form (DAF) for the Combined Geo-Scientist Exam 2020.
Candidates can visit the official UPSC website – or to fill up the DAF by December 24, 6.00 pm. Candidates need to log in on the DAF page with their Roll No and password and proceed to fill the form.
Here are the Instructions for filling the DAF.
UPSC had declared the Combined Geo-Scientist (Main) Exam 2020 result on November 26. The candidates who have cleared the exam are eligible to appear for the Interview and Personality Test round. The document verification process will also be done during the interview round.
A duly signed copy of the online Detailed Application Form along with originals of the above certificates are required to be produced along with self-certified copies of all the documents at the time of the interview or within the last day of the interview, which will be published on the UPSC website in due course, failing which their candidature is liable to be cancelled.
The Geo-Scientists examination is conducted to fill 99 vacancies of which 79 are for Geologist, Group A, 5 are for Geophysicist, Group A, and 15 for Chemist, Group. The recruitment drive is being conducted for vacancies at Geological Survey of India, Ministry of Mines. Apart from that, there are vacancies for 3 Junior Hydrologists (Scientist B) for Central Ground Water Board, Ministry of Water Resources.