SSC CHSL 2019 Tier-2 exam on February 14; read details here
Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has announced that it will conduct the 2019 CHSL Tier-2 (Descriptive Paper) exam on February 14.

The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has announced that it will conduct the 2019 Combined Higher Secondary Level or CHSL Tier-2 (Descriptive Paper) exam on February 14. Candidates who have passed the Tier-1 exam are eligible to appear for this test.
On January 15, SSC published the result of the CHSL 2019 Tier-1 exam. The exam was conducted in March and October of 2020 for selection to the posts of lower division clerk, junior secretariat assistant, postal assistant and sorting assistant.
In total, 44,856 candidates have cleared the Tier-1 exam for the posts of LDC/JSA and PA/SA and are qualified to appear in the Tier-2 test. The marks of the qualified/non-qualified candidates will be uploaded on the website of the Commission on January 19 and will be available till February 18.
In its result notice, SSC said the admission certificate or admit cards for the Tier-2 exam will be uploaded on the website of the respective Regional Offices approximately seven days before the conduct of the test. “However, the candidates who are unable to download their Admission Certificate may contact the concerned Regional Offices immediately,” it added.
Here is the direct link to the SSC CHSL 2019 Tier-1 exam result.
About SSC CHSL 2019 Tier-2 exam
The SSC CHSL 2019 Tier-II Paper will be a descriptive paper of 100 Marks in ‘Pen and Paper’ Mode. The Paper would comprise writing of an Essay of 200-250 words and a Letter/Application of approximately 150-200 words. The minimum qualifying marks in Tier-II would be 33 per cent. The paper will have to be written either in Hindi or in English.
The Tier-III (Skill Test/ Typing Test) for the qualified candidates will be conducted on computers provided by the Commission or its authorized agency. Skill Test is mandatory for Data Entry Operators.
Candidates are advised to keep a track of the SSC website for further updates.