Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC) has announced the exam date for the post of Lecturer on its official website ukpsc.gov.in. A total of 571 candidates shall be recruited for the post of Lecturer through this exam.

“The screening test will be held on March 21, 2021. The admit card for the written examination will be released on the official website soon,” read the official notice.

Candidates can read the official notice here.


To apply, candidates must have a post-graduate degree in the relevant field. The candidate must not be less than the age of 21 years and not more than the age of 42 years to apply for the lecturer posts in Uttarakhand.

The last registration date for UKPSC Lecturer recruitment was December 30, 2020. However, the last date for submitting a hard copy of UKPSC Lecturer Application along with documents was January 15, 2021.

For further details, candidates are advised to visit UKPSC website at ukpsc.gov.in.