RRB NTPC Phase 4 exam admit card today at regional portals, check links here
Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) will release the admit cards today for the NTPC 2019 phase 4 exam set to be held from February 15 to March 3.

Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) will release the admit cards today for the NTPC 2019 phase 4 exam set to be held from February 15 to March 3 for approximately 15 lakh candidates. The Board released the exam notification for the test on February 4.
In the notice, RRB mentioned that the link to download the e-admit cards will be activated four days ahead of the start of the exam i.e. February 11. The link to view the exam city, date and downloading of free travelling authority for SC/ST candidates is already available at all regional RRB portals since February 5.
The eligible candidates for RRB NTPC Phase 4 exam will receive necessary information via e-mail or on the mobile number given in their online application. Candidates can also utilise the facility of ‘help desk’ in case of a clarification.
Here’s the direct link to the RRB NTPC 2019 Phase 4 exam notice.
Steps to download RRB NTPC phase 4 admit card:
- Visit the regional RRB website
- Click on the download ‘admit card’ link
- Enter registration number and date of birth as password
- Download admit card that appears on the screen
- Take printout for future reference.
Links for all regional RRB are as follows:
RRB Guwahati: www.rrbguwahati.gov.in
RRB Jammu: www.rrbjammu.nic.in
RRB Kolkata: www.rrbkolkata.gov.in
RRB Malda: www.rrbmalda.gov.in
RRB Mumbai: www.rrbmumbai.gov.in
RRB Muzaffarpur: www.rrbmuzaffarpur.gov.in
RRB Patna: www.rrbpatna.gov.in
RRB Ranchi: rrbranchi.gov.in
RRB Secunderabad: rrbsecunderabad.nic.in
RRB Ahmedabad: www.rrbahmedabad.gov.in
RRB Ajmer: rrbajmer.gov.in
RRB Allahabad: rrbald.gov.in
RRB Bangalore: rrbbnc.gov.in
RRB Bhopal: www.rrbbpl.nic.in
RRB Bhubaneshwar: www.rrbbbs.gov.in
RRB Bilaspur: www.rrbbilaspur.gov.in
RRB Chandigarh: www.rrbcdg.gov.in
RRB Chennai: www.rrbchennai.gov.in
RRB Gorakhpur: www.rrbguwahati.gov.in
RRB Siliguri: www.rrbsiliguri.gov.in
RRB Thiruvanthapuram: www.rrbthiruvananthapuram.gov.in
RRB NTPC 2019 recruitment
The RRB non-technical popular category (NTPC) recruitment exams are being held for 35,208 posts which include positions like Clerk, Time Keeper, Traffic Assistant, Goods Guard, Typist, Commercial Apprentice, and Station Master.
The RRB NTPC exam is being held in multiple phases till March. The phase one exams were conducted from December 28 to January 13, phase 2 was held from January 16 to 30 and phase 3 exams are still going on. The phase 3 exam will end on February 12.