APSC Asst Engineer Screening Test 2020 admit card released at apsc.nic.in
APSC Assistant Engineer Screening Test 2020 for both Civil and Mechanical posts is scheduled to be held on March 14 in two shifts.

The Assam Public Service Commission (APSC) has released the admit card of the screening test for Assistant Engineer recruitment on its official website. Registered candidates can download the admit card from the APSC website apsc.nic.in.
APSC Assistant Engineer Screening Test 2020 for both Civil and Mechanical posts is scheduled to be held on March 14 in two shifts — 10.00 AM to 12.00 PM and 2.00 PM to 4.00 PM. The first session will be held for the subject General Studies and the second session for Mechanical Engineering/Civil Engineering.
APSC has already released the list of candidates whose applications have been accepted/rejected for the screening test. As per the list, 1,059 applications for AE (Mechanical) and 805 for AE (Civil) have been accepted.
Steps to download APSC AE Screening Test 2020 admit card:
- Visit the official website apsc.nic.in
- Under the ‘Important Links’ section, click on the ‘call letter/admit card’
- Click on the admit card link for Civil/Mechanical
- Enter roll to view admit card
- Download and take a printout.
Here are direct links to download APSC AE Screening Test 2020 admit card:
APSC is conducting the recruitment drive to hire four Assistant Engineers (3 Mechanical, 1 Civil) in the Directorate of Inland Water Transport, Assam under the Transport Department.