ICMAI CMA December 2020 result declared on examicmai.in
Institute of Cost Accountants of India has declared the Cost Management Accounting (CMA) exam December 2020 result.

Institute of Cost Accountants of India has declared the Cost Management Accounting (CMA) exam December 2020 result. Candidates who have appeared for the ICMAI CMA exam can check the result at the ICMAI website examicmai.in.
The merged ICMAI CMA Intermediate and Final exams for June 2020 and December 2020 session was conducted between January 3 and 10 in online mode.
The ICMAI scorecards contain details such as name, roll number, registration number, paper-wise and group-wise marks and exam qualifying status of the candidates. Those who had requested for results at their email ID will be receiving the ICMAI scorecards there.
Here’s direct link to check ICMAI CMA December 2020 result.
Steps to check ICMAI CMA December 2020 result:
- Visit ICMAI website examicmai.in
- Click on the CMA result link
- Enter registration number to access result
- Download scorecard and take a printout.
Moreover, ICMAI has also released the CMA Intermediate pass list 2020 and CMA Final Complete pass list 2020. The ICMAI CMA 2020 pass list is declared in a group-wise manner as well as a complete pass list.