UPSC Engineering Services 2020 final result released; check download link here
Candidates who appeared for the interview round held in March-April, 2021, can check and download the result from

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the Engineering Services Exam 2020 final result on its official website. Candidates who appeared for the interview round held in March-April, 2021, can check and download the result from
According to the official notification, a total of 302 candidates have been shortlisted for the appointment under different disciplines including — Civil Engineering (127 candidates), Mechanical Engineering (38 candidates), Electrical Engineering (62 candidates), Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering (75 candidates).
In total, 371 candidates were shortlisted to appear for the Civil Engineering branch interview round scheduled from March 8 to 30, 109 candidates from Mechanical branch (March 15 to 26), 185 from Electrical branch (March 8 to 30) and 204 from the Electronics and Telecommunication branch (March 8 to 24).
Steps to download the final result:
- Visit the official website
- On the homepage, click on “Final Result: Engineering Services (Main) Examination, 2020”
- The result will appear on the screen in PDF format
- Check and download the result
- Take a printout for future reference
Here’s the direct link to check and download the final result.
The Commission has also released the list of 39 provisionally shortlisted candidates. “The offer of appointment to the candidates, whose results have been kept provisional will not be issued till the Commission verifies the original documents (awaited from such candidates) and clears their provisional status. The provisionality of these candidates will remain valid only for a period of three months [i.e. upto 11/07/2021] from the date of declaration of final result,” read the official notification.
The recruitment drive was being conducted to fill a total of 347 vacancies, including 13 vacancies reserved for PwBD candidates. Of these, 147 vacancies are for Civil Engineering department, 41 for Mechanical Engineering, 74 for Electrical Engineering, 85 for Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering.
For more details, candidates are advised to visit the official website here.