RIMC June 2021 application deadline deferred again, apply by June 21
Rashtriya Indian Military College (RIMC) has for the third time postponed the application deadline for its entrance examinations 2021 amid the pandemic.

Rashtriya Indian Military College (RIMC) has for the third time postponed the application deadline for its entrance examinations 2021 amid the prevailing Covid-19 situation and considering the lockdown situation in some States. Candidates can apply at the official website rimc.gov.in on or before June 21. Earlier, the last date to submit the application was June 10.
The revised examination schedule will be intimated later. Previously, the exam was scheduled to be conducted on June 5.
Here’s RIMC exam application deadline extension notice.
The entrance exam will be conducted by RIMC, Dehradun for the term commencing January 2022.
The application fee is Rs 600 for candidates under the general category.
RIMC eligibility criteria
Boys studying in Class 7 or passed Class 7 are eligible to apply for admission. The students must not be less than the age of 11 and half years and should not have attained the age of 13 years as of January 1, 2022.