Chacha Chaudhary, created by Pran Kumar Sharma, is among India's best-loved children's comic characters. Over the decades, the comics have inspired millions of daydreams about fantastic adventures. A couple of years ago, the turbanned character inspired Delhi cartoonist Sumit Kumar to create some ingenious fan art: he decided to mash up the worlds of Chacha Chaudhary and Tintin, Georges Remi's classic boy detective.

Sumir Kumar has been a former writer for the Savita Bhabhi erotica series and in 2011 was part of the team that organised the first Comic Con in India in, a comic book convention that is an annual event in the US.

Here are the adventures of the character Kumar calls Chinchin.

However, not everyone is impressed. Here's one counterpoint.

Credit: Sumit Kumar

Corrections and clarifications: An earlier version of this article had suggested that Kumar created Chinchin after Pran Kumar Sharma's death in August. The work was actually created earlier.