Kini’s self-published book, which will be launched at the Comic-Con event in Mumbai on December 19, is the last part of a trilogy. The first part was published in 2012. The main character was first scribbled on a coaster. Since then, Angry Maushi has progressed in leaps and bounds. She has trained in martial arts and is ready to defend Mumbai and India from evil forces. This exclusive excerpt gives some measure of India’s very own Kill Bill-type avenging angel.
New comic book star Angry Maushi lashes out at a corporate takeover of India
Abhijeet Kini's sari-clad portly vigilante protects India from nefarious men in suits.
Kini’s self-published book, which will be launched at the Comic-Con event in Mumbai on December 19, is the last part of a trilogy. The first part was published in 2012. The main character was first scribbled on a coaster. Since then, Angry Maushi has progressed in leaps and bounds. She has trained in martial arts and is ready to defend Mumbai and India from evil forces. This exclusive excerpt gives some measure of India’s very own Kill Bill-type avenging angel.