The top two seeds Pankaj Advani and Aditya Mehta, both of PSPB, recorded an emphatic 4-0 first round victories in the CCI All India Open Snooker Championship played at the CCI’s Wilson Jones Billiards Room on Thursday.

World Champion Advani thrashed railway cueist Aravind Kumar and romped to victory. Advani started with a 71 break in the first frame as he cruised to a facile 91-1, 70-9, 77-8 and 78-39 triumph to progress to the second round.

On the side table, Aditya Mehta the lone Indian cueist playing the professional circuit got down to business instantly and sidelined the challenge from Akshay Kumar of Uttar Pradesh winning in four straight frames. Aditya stormed to a 4-0 win by beating Akshay 68-18, 69-63, 74-61, 95-0. Manan Chardra of PSPB also scored an easy 4-0 win against Maharashtra’s Abhimanyu Gandhi.