The Kerala High Court on Monday rejected a plea demanding an inquiry by the Central Bureau of Investigation into the death of former Kannur Additional District Magistrate Naveen Babu, The Hindu reported.

Babu was found dead at his home on October 15 morning after a farewell event organised on the eve of his transfer to another district. He was to take over as the additional district magistrate of Pathanamthitta and retire in seven months.

The plea was filed by Babu’s wife alleging that former Kannur District Panchayat President PP Divya, the person accused of abetting the suicide, had political influence and that the investigation may be sabotaged, PTI reported.

Divya has been accused of making comments that allegedly drove Babu to take his own life. She was granted bail on November 9.

Babu’s wife had claimed in her plea that no meaningful progress had been made by the special investigation team looking into the case.

While rejecting the plea, Justice Kauser Edappagath directed the Kannur deputy inspector general of police to supervise the investigation and ensure that it was carried out fairly.

The court also directed the special investigation team probing the matter to explore the possibility of homicidal hanging, wherein a person who has been killed is hanged to simulate suicidal death, as raised by the petitioner.

The police were asked to consider the grievances raised by his wife relating to Babu’s death.

The investigators were also ordered to provide periodic updates about the probe to the Kannur deputy inspector general of police and the petitioner, The Hindu reported. The final report shall be filed by the investigators only after approval from the police official, the court directed.

During the farewell event in October, Divya had made allegations of corruption against Babu in the context of the delay in issuing a no-objection certificate for a petrol pump. The district panchayat president at the time alleged that Babu only granted no-objection certificates after he was bribed.

She was on October 17 sacked from her post after being accused of abetting the suicide.

In her anticipatory bail application in October, Divya contended that her comments during the farewell event were made in good faith, not to pressure Babu. She stated that the remarks were intended to encourage administrative efficiency and address corruption concerns raised by other individuals.