Oxford's Isis Academy changes name to avoid confusion
Headmistress Kay Willett said that she decided to change the name after being asked whether she was 'training the children to be terrorists'.

A school in Oxford called The Isis Academy has changed its name to The Iffley Academy to avoid being mistaken for the militant group Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, also known as ISIS. Headmistress Kay Willett took the decision after being asked whether the academy trains children to be terrorists, and finding photographs of pupils and terrorists when she searched for the school online.
The academy in Oxford is for children and young adults up to the age of 18 with complex special educational needs. Formerly Iffley Mead School, it was renamed Isis Academy in February 2013 after a nearby river which is a section of the Thames. Another rebrand was first discussed in December 2014 after the militant group hit the headlines, said the report.
However, Oxford University's rowing team, also called Isis, decided against changing its name two years ago, to avoid giving the militant group "more publicity than they are worth".