The Brazilian Police on Thursday charged United States swimmer Ryan Lochte with falsely reporting a robbery during the Summer Games that just concluded in Rio de Janeiro. The gold medal winner will soon get a notice explaining the legal process, after which he can decide to appear in court or send his lawyer. The police also recommended that a copy of the indictment be sent to the ethical commission of the International Olympic Committee, reported Reuters.

The 32-year-old swimmer had told the police and media that he and three other swimmers were robbed at gunpoint during the Rio Olympics on August 14. However, after going through video footage, the Brazilian police confirmed that no such crime took place and that Lochte vandalised a gas station while returning home drunk after a party. Swimmers Gunnar Bentz, Jack Conger and James Feigen also corroborated the police's version of the story. Later, Lochte admitted that he was drunk and apologised, reported BBC.

If convicted, Lochte might have to serve a jail term between one and six months. However, he could also be released with a fine. Special Tourist Police Commissioner Clemente Braune told CNN that Lochte can appeal against whatever decision is made.